Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

Role of Management and Technology in Bridging the Skill Gap of An Employee

Vijay Kumar Thota

Abstract :

The present study aims to explore the role of management and technology in idging the skill gap of an employee because the human resource department plays very important role in organizations now days. Organizations and their environment have changed dramatically over the past years. These changes have altered the concept of career and have contributed to the development of new models for skill based career management. The impact of the skills gap is far reaching and varied, with effects on global economics, human capital development, and business performance. In advanced economies, skill imbalances will lead to more long-term and permanent joblessness and a greater polarization of incomes between high- and low-skilled workers. Developing economies likely will slow their climb into higher value-added industries and see millions of low-skilled workers trapped in subsistence agriculture or urban poverty.

The paper at hand presents the issues regarding high unemployment and a shortage of skilled talent sound like contradictory concerns, yet they are co-existing realities for the present workforce. In this research study aims to present action plans by the organizational leaders should look to their learning professionals to help identify the skills and competencies needed now and in the future and to align their development to key drivers for the organization.

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Vijay kumar Thota Role of Management and Technology in Bridging the Skill Gap of An Employee Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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