Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Role of Glutathione–S–Transferase in Imparting Resistance in DBM Against Rynaxypyr

Patel N. N. , Dr. K. N. Patel

Abstract :

Present investigation was undertaken to to know the biochemical mechanism of rynaxypyr resistance in P. xylostella. DBM was selected against rynaxypyr upto seven generations. Selection process resulted in about 34.88 folds resistance to that of homogeneous susceptible F5 generation. Biochemical studies observed increased Glutathione–s–transferase activity by 2.385 fold in resistant strain as compared to susceptible strain. Higher levels of enzymes shown positive correlation with rynaxypyr resistance. Native PAGE demonstrated considerable difference in isozymes pattern.

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Patel N.N., K.N. Patel Role of Glutathione-S-Transferase in Imparting Resistance in Dbm Against Rynaxypyr Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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