Volume : VIII, Issue : II, February - 2018

Role of Co-operatives in Inclusive Growth

Dr. Meenu Jain

Abstract :


Sustainable inclusive growth is  a necessary and sufficient condition for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. A rapid pace of growth is needed to generate the resources necessary to satisfy the essential needs of human wellbeing: food, health, energy, education and housing, and to address poverty reduction. However, growth itself cannot ensure that all people, especially the poor and the vulnerable, benefit equally from economic progress. If left to market forces, growth has bypassed   those most vulnerable and the poor, giving rise to inequalities  in income and wealth .The cooperative movement  has   contributed a lot to sustainable human development and combating social exclusion in Indian economy. It is one of the largest cooperative movements in the world. Cooperatives have promoted the fullest participation of all people and facilitate a more equitable distribution of the benefits . They  are playing multi–functional roles both in rural and urban areas. The cooperatives have inherent advantages in tackling the problems of poverty alleviation, food security, and employment generation . There are many limiting factors in its progress . Against this background ,this paper examines cooperatives  and their role in   Inclusive Growth.


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Dr.Meenu Jain, Role of Co-operatives in Inclusive Growth, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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