Volume : IX, Issue : VIII, August - 2019


Dr. Sukrant Sharma, Dr. Ashanka Bhardwaj, Dr. Pooja Gupta, Dr. Bhawna Biloria, Dr. Sarabjeet Kour

Abstract :

Application of Cassia fistula Pack(araghvadhadi varti) in the management of Fistula in ano i.e Bhagandara is well known . Sushruta has mentioned different types of Packs, for the management of sinus(nadi vrana) and Fistula in ano, to obtain cleanliness(shodana) and Healing(ropana) of tract. In his treatise, he has also mentioned cassia fistula pack for wound cleaning. All the ingredients of cassia fistula pack (cassia fistula, curcuma longa, valeriana wellichii, ghee and honey) possess antimicrobial (antibacterial and anti fungal) property which control infection within the fistula, and promotes healing. In this present study, 30 patients were diagnosed as cases of low level fistula in ano were treated with cassia fistula pack. There was a marked reduction in symptoms of pain, discharge, itching, length of tract and healing time. Thus the result was significant.

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ROLE OF CASSIA FISTULA PACK IN FISTULA IN ANO, Dr. Sukrant Sharma, Dr. Ashanka Bhardwaj, Dr. Pooja Gupta, Dr. Bhawna Biloria, Dr. Sarabjeet Kour INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-8 | August-2019

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