Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016

Role of Agriculture in improving Nutrition and Fighting Malnutrition

Krishna Sannigrahi, Sharbendu Banerjee

Abstract :

This review paper explores the interrelationships between, foods, health, agriculture and environment policies in addressing malnutrition. Evidence on the agri–nutrition pathways reflects both the importance of agriculture for nutrition and the conditionality of that importance on contextual factors due to insufficient high quality research on these linkages. Agricultural and food policies could also be formulated to promote the household consumption of micronutrient–rich foods. Linking community development policies to national programmes, increasing the variety of foods, access and consumption and focussing to gender constraints is the best strategy for improving malnutrition sustainably. This paper will be used as a reference material in planning an effective agri–based nutrition program with proper monitoring and evaluation; improve agriculture and food policies, their formulation and planning; coordination among various sectors. In Summary, sustainable health intervention programs can be built on the concepts and strategies proposed here.

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Krishna Sannigrahi, Sharbendu Banerjee Role of Agriculture in Improving Nutrition and Fighting Malnutrition Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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