Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2017


Dr. O. Joji Reddy, Dr. Abdul Gafoor, Dr. B. Suresh, Dr. K. Chenchu Lakshmi

Abstract :

 INTRODUCTION: In the recent 30 years, obstetric ultrasound has revolutionized the clinician’s approach to the fetus and more and more fetal malformations can be visualized by ultrasound in greater detail. Three–dimensional (3D) and four–dimensional(4D) sonography are regarded as further development of ultrasound imaging technology. The present study is to know whether 3D/4D ultrasonography helps in detection of anomalies more than those detected in 2D ultrasonography with the use of 3D/4D software.

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effectiveness of 3D/4D ultrasonography as an adjunctive tool to 2D ultrasonography in pregnancies that has shown fetal anomalies by 2D ultrasound.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study comprised of 58 pregnant women in whom there were fetal anomalies diagnosed in 2D ultrasound that were came to the Department of Radiology ,Kurnool Medical College, Kurnool. The study was conducted from October 2014 to October 2016. Pregnancies with anomalies diagnosed in 2D US were went 3D/4D US after taking consent and filling Form F. The ultrasound appearances were analyzed and compared with postnatal appearances.

RESULTS: Total 87 anomalies were seen pertaining to different systems either as isolated one or in association with syndromes. Among these 87 anomalies, 2D US identified 74 anomalies, missed 9 anomalies, suspected but not confirmed 4 anomalies. 3D/4D US – STIC detected 80 anomalies and missed 7 anomalies. 3D/4D US – STIC provided additional information in 8 anomalies in comparison with 2D US.

CONCLUSION: In this study 3D/4D US–STIC was an effective adjunctive tool in diagnosis fetal anomalies along with 2D ultrasound. It provided additional information in 9.09% of cases. It helped in diagnosing midline lesions of fetal ain. It was a valuable tool for diagnosing fetal lesions that require facial profile for diagnosis. STIC helped in diagnosing complex heart diseases with less time. Cleft palate was diagnosed confidently using 3D/4D US. Maximum Intensity Mode was very useful for diagnosing skeletal anomalies more easily. 3D/4D ultrasound did not provided extra information for diagnosing genitourinary, gastrointestinal, and pulmonary anomalies. However 3D/4D/STIC did not helped in cases with excessive fetal movements and less liquor. 

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Dr. O. Joji Reddy, Dr. Abdul Gafoor, Dr. B. Suresh, Dr. K. Chenchu Lakshmi, ROLE OF 3D/4D ULTRASONOGRAPHY IN OBSTETRICAL PRACTICE, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾8 | August‾2017

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