Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015

Role and applications of Scientific Computing and Applied Statistics in Life Sciences

Bhagavati Parekh

Abstract :

The trio – Scientific computing, Life Sciences and Applied Statistics altogether help provide a fundamental understanding of complex biological systems and offers the potential to significantly impact a wide variety of technologies. Scientific computing is the cross–disciplinary field at the intersection of modeling scientific processes, and the use of computers to produce quantitative results from these models. It is what takes a domain science and turns it into a computational activity. Computational statistics is somewhat recent discipline which has emerged out of the increasing applications of computers to sort and simulate the statistical problems. Statistical computing includes numeric analysis, database methodologies, computer graphics, software engineering and the computer–human interface. This paper elaborates the role of the Scientifc computing, Applied statistics, their scope in the field ; the methods of implementation and various applications.

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Bhagavati Parekh Role and applications of Scientific Computing and Applied Statistics in Life Sciences Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015

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