Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2017

Rockall score and Forrest classification in peptic ulcer

Dr Rajat Soni, Dr Abdul Majeed

Abstract :

 Since the late 1980s, endoscopic haemostatic therapy has been widely accepted as the first–line therapy for upper–gastrointestinal bleeding. Most clinical trials demonstrated a reduction in both recurrent bleeding and the need for surgical intervention when endoscopic hemostasis was used [1]. Endoscopic therapy can be oadly categorized into injection therapy, thermal coagulation, and mechanical hemostasis. When analyzed separately, injection therapy, thermal–contact devices, and mechanical treatment all decrease the frequency of recurrent bleeding and rate of surgical intervention [2]. Argon plasma coagulation (APC) is a non contact type of coagulation that is easier to target to bleeding sites. 

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Dr Rajat Soni, Dr Abdul Majeed, Rockall score and Forrest classification in peptic ulcer, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾4 | April-2017

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