Volume : X, Issue : III, March - 2020

Rites Rituals, usages of vaddar community

Mr. Murali Nagalavi, Prof. Dhruva B. Jyothi

Abstract :

Religion is secondary organization but it plays important role in fulfilling secondary needs divinity and religion of people religion only have power to explaintionary answers related to existence of man and his happy and sorrows. Religion forces people to act as the expectation of society. By this view religion work as powerful missions to control over society, religion is universal organization, in every well known society, past societies and present existence society religion exist in one on the other form. This present research study focus on basic elements of religion religious works, and relation between religion and science of vaddar community.

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RITES RITUALS, USAGES OF VADDAR COMMUNITY, Mr. Murali Nagalavi, Prof. Dhruva B. Jyothi INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-10 | Issue-3 | March-2020

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