Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2016

Risk factors in oral squamous cell carcinoma highlighting differences between various age groups

Abhilash Cherian, Rajinikanth J, John C. Muthusami

Abstract :

 Aims and Objectives– 1. To assess the risk factors for squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity, and find the independent relative risk for each of the risk factors. 2. To highlight the differences in risk factors between young adults and older patients. Methods and materials: Hospital based case–control study with 76 cases and 76 age–matched control with structured questionnaire detailing about the habits of tobacco and alcohol. The primary outcome was oral cancer with age as an effect. Pearson’s ChiSquared tests and Likelihood ratios were measured. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to account for confounding factors and to effects of multiple risk factors. Results: Out of 152 patients, chewing tobacco, combination of tobacco + betel nut and amount consumed/day were significantly associated with oral cancer. Alcohol consumption and smoking were not associated with oral cancer. When all the three habits were combined, chewing and alcohol consumption had a odds ratio of 27.38 to cause oral cancer. 17 pts were aged less than 40 yrs and chewing tobacco was associated with oral cancer in this group. Of these 17 pts, 1 patient did not have any risky habits, but had oral cancer. Conclusion: Tobacco Chewing in any form, especially in combination with betel nut or alcohol carried significant risk to cause oral cancer. There was no difference in risk factors in patients who are aged less than 40 years.

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Abhilash Cherian, Rajinikanth J, John C. Muthusami, Risk factors in oral squamous cell carcinoma highlighting differences between various age groups, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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