Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016

Risk factors and prevalence of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C viral infection in patients on Hemodialysis in a tertiary care hospital

Suman Sharma, Rameshwari Bithu, Bharti Malhotra, Rakesh Maheshwari

Abstract :

 Background and Aims –Chronic renal failure patients on haemodialysis are more susceptible to viral infections ( HBV and HCV ) .Infection by these viruses is promoted by immune dysfunction .Prevalence of these viruses among haemodialysis patients in SMS Hospital was not studied until now , so we aimed to determine risk factors and prevalence of HBV and HCV infection in patients on haemodialysis in SMS Hospital ,Jaipur . Material and Method –ELISA for HBsAg and anti HCV antibody was performed on blood samples of 140 patients on haemodialysis and PCR was performed on blood samples of 37 cases ( 34 patients with increased SGOT /SGPT and 3 positive for HBV and / or HCV infection by ELISA) Results –Prevalence of HBV ,HCV and co–infection in SMS hospital ,Jaipur is 7.85% , 5.0 % and 2.85 % respectively . Increased duration of haemodialysis , increased number of haemodialysis , increased number of blood transfusion ,increased levels of SGOT /SGPT and serum alkaline phosphatase were significant risk factors of acquiring HBV and HCV infection in patients on haemodialysis . Conclusion –There is low prevalence of HBV and HCV infection in haemodialysis patients in SMS Hospital Jaipur .

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Suman Sharma, Rameshwari Bithu, Bharti Malhotra, Rakesh Maheshwari Risk factors and prevalence of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C viral infection in patients on Hemodialysis in a tertiary care hospital Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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