Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016

Right Iliac Fossa Mass : A surgical Dilemma

Dr Madhura M Killedar, Dr Honeypalsinh H Maharaul

Abstract :

Right iliac fossa mass is a surgical dilemma a surgeon encounters in surgical practice arriving to diagnosis of which is dificult. Various conditions presenting as lump includes spectrum of diseases like appenicular lump, ovarian cyst, lipoma, fioma and many more. Methods: 100 patients with signs and symptoms of right iliac fossa mass admitted under General Surgery were included in study after obtaining consent. A detailed history, physical examination was done followed by various investigations like x ray erect abdomen, chest X–ray, contrast X–ray, ultrasonogram , Contrast Enhanced CT Scan . Colonoscopy was done in selected cases. Results: In our study appendicular mass was diagnosed in 58% patients, appendicular abscess in 10%, ileocecal tuberculosis in 19%, ovarian tumor in 6%, lipoma in 5% and carcinoma cecum in 2% Conclusion: In our hospital Appendicular lump was found as the most common cause for right iliac fossa mass.

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Dr Madhura M Killedar, Dr Honeypalsinh H Maharaul Right Iliac Fossa Mass : A Surgical Dilemma Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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