Volume : X, Issue : IV, April - 2020

Richters Incisional hernia presenting with strangulation - A case report

Jayesh Kalbhande, Vicky Kuldeep, Sarveshwar Reddy, Hozefa Bohra

Abstract :

Richters hernia is caused by hernia protrusion of a portion of circumference of bowel wall through a defect in abdominal wall. Richters type of hernia has been commonly associated with inguinal and femoral hernia, although its association with incisional hernia is rare. It is more commonly associated with strangulation of bowel. As only part of bowel wall is affected, patient do not have symptoms of intestinal obstruction. This may result in delayed diagnosis. Early surgical intervention may help in uneventful recover. We describe a case of Richters hernia presenting with incisional hernia causing strangulation requiring resection and anastomosis of bowel.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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RICHTERS INCISIONAL HERNIA PRESENTING WITH STRANGULATION - A CASE REPORT, Jayesh Kalbhande, Vicky Kuldeep, Sarveshwar Reddy, Hozefa Bohra INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-10 | Issue-4 | April-2020

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