Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Review of Related Literature on Brain Based Learning

Binulal. Kr, Dr. Ampili Aravind

Abstract :

The Review of related literature is an essential backbone and an important prerequisite of an investigation. It provides a comprehensive view of the topic, the relevance, the significance and practicability of the topic. In the field of education, the researcher needs to acquire up–to–date information about what has been done in the particular area from which he intends to take a problem for research. The investigator reviewed last five years of studies related to the topic ain based learning. From this it is understood that ain based learning focuses on concepts that create an opportunity to maximise attainment and retention of information. Also it can be applied to the learning process to understand the structure of the ain by considering the needs and styles of learners to evaluate and improve the course format and content delivery

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Binulal.KR, Dr. Ampili Aravind Review of Related Literature on Brain Based Learning Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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