Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2013

Review of Literature and Case Report of Dental Cyst in A 8 Year Old Child

Dr. S. A. Murchite, Dr. V. V. Gaikwad, Dr. A. D. Chougale, Dr. Furquan Ahmad, Dr R. M. Kulkarni

Abstract :

A dental cyst or radicular cyst are odontogenic cysts which are derived from the inflammatory activation of epithelial root sheath residues (cell rests of Malassez). It typically occurs between the 3rd and 6th decades of life. Occurrence in primary dentition is very rare. A 8 year old boy presented with a warm, painless, bony hard swelling associated with the third deciduous molar of the right maxialla. These cysts are not common in maxilla and in children under 10 years of age. This article reports the unusual presentation of a case of dental cyst associated with the erupted deciduous maxillary premolar tooth in an 8–year–old male child.

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Dr.S.A.Murchite, Dr.V.V.Gaikwad, Dr.A.D.Chougale, Dr.Furquan Ahmad, Dr R.M.Kulkarni / Review of Literature and Case Report of Dental Cyst in A 8 Year Old Child / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013

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