Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016


Dr. Jayant B. Chauhan, Dr. Ghanshyam B. Borisagar

Abstract :

India has approximately two to three million people infected Tuberculosis. This public health problem is the world‘s largest tuberculosis epidemic.[1] India bears a disproportionately large burden of the world‘s tuberculosis rates, as it resides to be the biggest health problem in India. It remains one of the largest on India‘s health and wellness scale. India is the highest TB burden country with World Health Organisation (WHO) statistics for 2011 giving an estimated incidence figure of 2.2 million cases of TB for India out of a global incidence of 8.7 million cases.[2] Compared to Canada, there are about 1,600 new cases of TB every year,[3] which does not largely sum up, even closely, to the amount India suffers through. Citing studies of TB–drug sales, the government now suggests the total went from being 2.2 million to 2.6 million people nationwide. Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis bacteria. It spreads through air when a person suffering from tuberculosis cough, sneeze or spit. TB remains to be major public health problem in India. TB control efforts are initiated countrywide since 1962 with inception of National TB Control Programme. The programme was reviewed and revised strategy was pilot testedin 1993. The Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP) was launched in 1997 with implementation of Directly Observed Treatment, Short Course Strategy. The DOTS strategy is based on five components: • Political and administrative commitment • Good quality diagnosis, primarily by sputum smear microscopy • Uninterrupted supply of quality drugs • Directly observed treatment (DOT) • Systematic monitoring and accountability Goals and Objectives of RNTCP The goal of RNTCP is to decrease the mortality and morbidity due to tuberculosis and cut down the chain of transmission of infection until TB ceases to be a public health problem. The goal is achieved through the following objectives: To achieve and maintain: • Cure rate of at least 85% among newly detected smear–positive (infectious) pulmonary tuberculosis cases; and • Case detection of at least 70% of the expected new smear positive PTB cases in a community. The state is achieving twin objectives of RNTCP since 2006. The current focus is on ensuring universal access to quality assured TB diagnosis and treatment services under the programme.

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Dr. JAYANT B. CHAUHAN, Dr. GHANSHYAM B. BORISAGAR Retrospective Analysis of TB Patients Put on Category-II Under RNTCP at DOTS Centre, BJMC, Ahmedabad. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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