Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016


Shastri Prasad Tripathi

Abstract :

During their career, the Ex–servicemen’s contact with the society remains generally confined to their immediate family. After retirement, they find re–socialisation into civil environment stressful. Retirement has profound effect on different aspects of life of military retirees such as the financial situation, availability of time, relations with society, family life, physical and mental health. Adjusting to the retired life with the reduced resources might be somewhat difficult for the Ex–servicemen. The aim of this study was to ascertain the retirement adjustment of Ex–servicemen and to compare it amongst them based on the retirement related parameters such as mode of retirement, time elapsed since retirement and rank at the time of retirement. Responses from 60 non–officer Ex–servicemen was obtained and analysed. The results revealed that that there were no significant differences in the retirement adjustment measure of the Ex–servicemen based on the retirement related parameters such as mode of retirement, time elapsed since retirement and rank at the time of retirement.

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Shastri Prasad Tripathi Retirement Adjustment Amongst The Ex-Servicemen Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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