Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Resource use efficiency of lemon cultivation in Jammu region of J&K state

Anil Bhat, Jyoti Kachroo, S. E. H. Rizvi, Manish Sharma, S. P. Singh

Abstract :

The present study made an indepth analysis of lemon being an important citrus crop by studying its resource use efficiency. The analysis of data on lemon indicated the overall values of regression coefficients as 0.451, 1.257, –0.011, –0.002 and –0.023 for human labour, manures + fertilizers, irrigation, plant protection and training/ pruning, respectively, out of which human labour and manures + fertilizers were statistically significant, indicating that one per cent increase of expenditures on these two inputs could increase the returns to the extent of 0.45 per cent and 1.26 per cent, respectively, while as in case of irrigation, plant protection and training/ pruning one per cent additional investment could decrease the production by 0.011 per cent, 0.002 per cent and 0.023 per cent, respectively. The marginal value productivities of human labour and manures + fertilizers were positive with their values at 0.111 and 0.882, respectively whereas that of irrigation (–0.020), plant protection (–59.710) and training/ pruning (–0.039) were negative thereby indicating that with an additional one rupee spent on these inputs could reduce the total returns and hence should be checked.  

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Anil Bhat, Jyoti Kachroo, S. E. H. Rizvi, Manish Sharma, S. P. Singh Resource use efficiency of lemon cultivation in Jammu region of J&K state Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.XII Dec 2013

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