Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Resource Use Efficiency in Gram Production of Amravati Division

Ganeshkumar D. Rede , Dr. S. J. Kakde, Vanita Khobarkar

Abstract :

This study was designed to measure resource use efficiency in gram production of Amravati division of Vidharbha region of Maharashtra state. In present investigation we use the double log type Cobb–Douglas type of production function. The sample of 75 Gram farmers were selected from which input–output data collected based on 2011–12 rabi cropping season. Functional analysis of gram crop revealed that Seed rate, Human Labour, Machine Labour, Bullock labour and Phosphorous Fertilizers, had the elasticity of 0.54, 0.059, 0.044, 0.055 and 0.14 respectively and was statistically significant. The value of MVP in respect of Seed rate (4.39) and phosphorus fertilizer (1.29) ,were more than unity level and the MVP value of human labour (0.43), Machine labour (0.37), Bullock labour (0.87) and Nitrogen fertilizer (–3.57) were found to be less than unity level.  

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Ganeshkumar D. Rede , Dr. S. J. Kakde, Vanita Khobarkar Resource Use Efficiency in Gram Production of Amravati Division Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013

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