Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2016

Renal cysts : When is surgical intervention required?

Dr. K. M. Garg, Dr. M. K. Gupta

Abstract :

 Availability of USG and Computed tomography has led to the frequent detection of asymptomatic renal Cysts [2]. The diagnostic challenges that cysts present are in the differentiation of the less common complex cysts from those associated with malignancy. If simple cyst enlarges and causes signs and symptoms, then one may choose to have treatment. Herein we present our experience of a case of hemorrhagic renal cyst.

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Dr. K. M. Garg, Dr. M. K. Gupta Renal cysts : When is surgical intervention required? Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 8 | August 2016

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