Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

Relevance of Need Assessment: Study on Enhancing Mathematical Skills of Economics Teachers at Higher Secondary Stage

Dr Ashita Raveendran

Abstract :

This need assessment study sought to examine what teachers at higher secondary stage express as their perceived needs for enhancing mathematical skills among the learners, to what extent participants expect these needs to be met and identifies the barriers to transfer of learning. The present paper reports the background, methodology and results of a recently conducted Needs Assessment Study as part of the proposed programme Refresher Course on Application of Mathematics in Economics at NCERT, New Delhi. Majority of teachers agreed for the introduction of mathematics in economics theories at higher secondary stage to be desirable. However, not withstanding the above position, it was also shown that they were facing challenges while transacting the economic theory using mathematical expressions. The findings are discussed with far reaching implications and recommendations on conducting need analysis to improve the training programmes.

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Dr Ashita Raveendran Relevance of Need Assessment: Study on Enhancing Mathematical Skills of Economics Teachers at Higher Secondary Stage Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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