Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

Relativity On Climate And Competencies In Human Resource Development With Reference To Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd,

S. Jayakumar, Dr. R. Ramachandran

Abstract :

The need for Human Resource Development (HRD) is felt to create a climate which will improve the work life by overcoming monotony, ensuring better communication and creation of familiar sort of work conditions where creativity of all the members comes into full play The success of HRD in any organization depends, to a large extent, on the existence of a favourable HRD Climate. HRD is more competency –oriented than technology–oriented and believes that participation and communication would ing about greater commitment, efficiency, and growth of individuals. The study is based on the responses sought from 400 Line Managers and HRD Managers from various departments and different hierarchical levels of a public sector undertaking located in south India namely Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd. (NLC) . The questionnaires relating to the HRD Climate (T.V.Rao and Aaham,1985) and HRD Competencies (T.V.Rao,1991) was administered to the sample population and the findings indicate that HRD Climate has a definite relation with HRD Competencies which in turn leads to the increased organizational performance.  

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S. Jayakumar, Dr. R. Ramachandran Relativity On Climate And Competencies In Human Resource Development With Reference To Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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