Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015

Relative Bradycardia in Dengue Fever

Drjitendra Ingole

Abstract :

Aims and Objective:To determine prevalence of Bradycardia in serologically confirmed cases of Dengue fever Material and Methods:This is a single centre retrospective observational study at SKN Medical college and General Hospital, Pune. Case patients were selected considering inclusion & exclusion criteria from serologically confirmed Dengue cases. Age matched Control cases were selected from other patients with fever without Dengue infection. The parameters were recorded at the time of admission and were analysed with standard statistical tests. Conclusion: Out of 31 patients selected, adycardia was observed in 12 patients. The finding of relative adycardia in presence of fever should prompt clinician to suspect Dengue infection.

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DrJitendra Ingole Relative Bradycardia in Dengue Fever Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015

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