Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2014
Relationship Between Study Habits and Academic Achievement of Higher Secondary School Students
A. S. Arul Lawrence
Abstract :
The present study was probed to find the significant relationship between study habits and academic achievement of higher secondary school students with reference to the background variables. Survey method was employed. Data for the study were collected from 300 students in 13 higher secondary schools using Study Habits Inventory by V.G.Anantha (2004) and the Quarterly Achievement Test Questions. The significant difference between the means of each pair of group was computed using Standard Deviation, ‘t’ test, ANOVA and Pearson’s Co–efficient Correlation. The findings were established and tabulated from the analysed data. The finding shows that there was no significant difference between study habits and academic achievement of higher secondary school students. Finally, Interpretations were given by the investigator based on the findings.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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A.S.Arul Lawrence Relationship Between Study Habits and Academic
Achievement of Higher Secondary School Students Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue.VI June 2014
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A.S.Arul Lawrence Relationship Between Study Habits and Academic Achievement of Higher Secondary School Students Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue.VI June 2014
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