Volume : I, Issue : X, July - 2012

Regulated Market – an Overview

S. Ravi, Dr. K. Uthaiyasuriyan

Abstract :

More than three–fifths of India’s population draws their livelihood from agriculture that adds just one–fifth to its GDP. There should be obvious serious concerns about efficient functioning of this sector both in terms of its output / productivity and its marketing. While output and productivity are supply side factors, markets provide an intermediate link between producers and final demand by consumers. Efficiently functioning markets add to welfare of producers as well as consumers. Interventions in domestic agricultural markets can affect the efficient allocation of resources negatively thus making domestic agricultural sector less competitive in international markets. While the study concluded that the farmers are facing many hurdles in marketing the agricultural products. But, the regulated market is been established by the Government to rectify. Moreover the regulated markets are considered as responsible institutions in discharging all the functions connected with the sale of outputs, keeping in view the overall interest of the forming community all the ultimate consumers.

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S. Ravi,Dr.K.Uthaiyasuriyan Regulated Market – an Overview Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.X July 2012

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