Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Regional Variations in Agricultural Development of Andhra Pradeshsh – A Factor Analysis

Dr. B. Sudhakar Reddy

Abstract :

The need for reducing regional disparities has been argued from various angles. The firs argument is in terms of social justice, it is believed that income inequalities can be reduced by way of reducing regional disparities. Hence, reduction in regional disparities is crucial from the point of accelerating the growth of the economy. There is complementary between reduction in regional disparities and the prosperity of the economy. The specific objectives of the study are to study the inter– regional and intra–regional disparities in the agricultural development of Andhra Pradesh and t o identify the factors causing the disparities in the agricultural development of Andhra Pradesh. Consistent with the objectives of the study. Present study uses Principal component analysis for the benchmark years 1990–91and 2011–12 in order to capture relative positions of individual districts/regions in terms of ranks have also been obtained. These ranks are to be understood in an inverse manner, to be precise, the lower the value of rank higher is the index of agriculture development and vice–versa. Irrigation would play a critical role in the development process particularly public investment in surface irrigation; specifically canal irrigation should be increased. Priority should be given to backward regions and low rainfall regions. The most backward districts in respect of important and social variables have to identify and programmes should be implemented with close monitoring.

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Dr. B. Sudhakar Reddy Regional Variations in Agricultural Development of Andhra Pradeshsh – A Factor Analysis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.XII Dec 2013

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