Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014


Patel Anand K. , Mohite Arvind S.

Abstract :

In Refrigeration copper tube joining is done by azing, to avoid numerous defects as well as cost of azing, Friction stir welding can be done. which give high strength and good weld quality. In this paper work is done by experimental study and fixture is design for the same. Process has been developing to produce a welding fixture which will join the tube by FSW. The weld is made by a tool rotating at a design rate and moving through the metal being joined. The metal is not melted but, mixed at particular temperature. Fixture is design in a such way that whole process of rotational speed of the tool and the pressure by which the tool is pressed is well controlled. Result in high strength join can be generated by FSW fixture.

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Patel Anand K., Mohite Arvind S. Refrigeration Tube Joining by FSW with Fixture Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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