Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Reduction of Drilling Machine Problems During the Operation of Blast Furnace in Steel Plant

R. Giridhar, P. Satyanarayana, Dr. T. Nancharaiah

Abstract :

Blast furnace is the largest known unit in iron making. Ancient blast furnaces are built from the clay. Today’s blast furnaces are gigantic structure made of steel and refractories. During the operation of a blast furnace various problems are identified. In this drilling machine is the most existing problem for the down time analysis. Drilling machine is the most existing reason for the delay time in blast furnace. Electric drill machine is used for drilling tap holes. In that Differential gear box is one which is used for different speeds. Main problems in this gear box are failure of worm threading, shaft, and beå. The present work is mainly focused on identification of major problems during the operation of blast furnace. Also it was observed that drilling machine problem is the main problem and remedies are suggested to reduce the 50% of the problems in the Gear box of the Drilling machine.  

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R. Giridhar, P. Satyanarayana, Dr. T. Nancharaiah Reduction of Drilling Machine Problems During the Operation of Blast Furnace in Steel Plant Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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