Volume : VII, Issue : IX, September - 2017
Rediscription of a species from Capra hircus, Avitellina centripunctata Rivolto, (1874) From Jalna distinct (M.S.), India.
Arun Gaware, Sunita Borde, Amol Thosar
Abstract :
The present investigation deals with rediscription of Avitellina centripunctata Rivolto (1874) obtained from the Capra hircus from Jalna District (M.S.) India. The present worm comes closer to Avitellina centripunctata with most of the character however, it differ from A. centripunctata, scolex is Quadrangular, testes are 14 to 16 in number and par uterine organ sac like. In molecular characterization of the parasites, the genomic DNA were amplified and sequenced. Based upon both morphological and molecular analysis using bioinformatics tools, the cestode is identified and confirmed to be representing Avitellina centripunctata, Rivolta, 1874 in mammalian host i.e. Goat.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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Arun Gaware, Sunita Borde, Amol Thosar, Rediscription of a species from Capra hircus, Avitellina centripunctata Rivolto, (1874) From Jalna distinct (M.S.), India., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2017
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Arun Gaware, Sunita Borde, Amol Thosar, Rediscription of a species from Capra hircus, Avitellina centripunctata Rivolto, (1874) From Jalna distinct (M.S.), India., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2017
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