Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Rare Case of Osteochondroma of Spine

Dr Ankur Patel, Dr G D Tharadara

Abstract :

Osteochondromas are common benign tumors most often occurring in the meta–diaphyseal region of long bones. Spinal osteochondromas, however, are rare. Only one to four percent of osteochondromas occur in the spine. The Author reports a rare case of osteochondromas of cervical spine in a young female which usually occurs between 5th – 7th decades. 28 year old female patient presented with persistent neck pain posteriorly with palpable mass without radiculopathy since 2years.Radiografic evaluation was done suggestive of bony overgrowth in lower cervical region. Magnetic resonance imaging and CT scan suggested possibility of exostosis. Patient was operated for wide resection of it. She was followed up post operatively. At present Patient is better clinically and also radiologically.

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DR ANKUR PATEL, DR G D THARADARA Rare Case of Osteochondroma of Spine Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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