Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015

Rare case of interhemispheric epidermoid in relation to corpus callosum: A case report

Yadav Kk, Kumar S, Verma Sk

Abstract :

Intracranial epidermoids are developmental lesions reported in literature as case reports only. Of intracranial epidermoids interhemispheric epidermoids are still rarer lesions and only 34 cases have been reported in literature till date. We report a case of interhemispheric epidermoid in relation to corpus callosum in a 50 year old male who had presented with generalized tonic clonic seizures of twenty years duration. Neuroimaging revealed the lesion in relation to posterior third of corpus callosum. The lesion was completely removed through posterior interhemispheric approach. Post operatively patient’s anti epileptic medications have been stopped and he is seizure free for the last 27 months.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Yadav KK,Kumar S,Verma SK Rare case of interhemispheric epidermoid in relation to corpus callosum: A case report Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015

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