Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Rape and Patriarchy: A Study of Majulla Padmanabhan‘s Lights Out

Ms. Parul Nagpal, Dr. Tanu Gupta

Abstract :

The paper focuses on the attitude of people especially men in India Towards physical abuse of women with special reference to an epoch making drama –“Lights–out” by the very eminent dramatist Manjulla Padmanabhan. Rape which sounds raw and crude surprisingly exhorts raw and crude erotic feelings in men and we see through the play that their focus shifts from feeling the pain of the victim and empathizing to figuring out details of why and how the incident would have taken place. They also go a step forward by accusing the woman as a whore if she is attacked by two or more men or even call her a prostitute even though she is crying in pain. The paper undertakes to reveal such horrid realities together with drawing parallels other texts that have also reflected a delay in remedial action and have questioned the essence of human existence. It is not only men but women too that we find faltering and becoming a reason for such heinous crimes to perpetuate further. The paper questions the judicial and social security system of our so called civilized and sophisticated race of people. The paper serves not only as an eye–opener but also gives context and content for the readers to ponder and find out a way to fight out “Rape” both physical and mental.

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Ms. Parul Nagpal, Dr. Tanu Gupta Rape and Patriarchy: A Study of Majulla Padmanabhan�s Lights Out Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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