Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Radiosurgery an Emerging Treatment Option in Cancer Treatment and Non Cancer Condition

Dr Rajesh N. Shukla, Dr Sanjay N Shukla

Abstract :

1. Cyberknife is emerging field of surgery where lesions which are cancerous and noncancerous lesion are effectively treated by pinpoint radiation beams. 2.Its technology ,indication and advantages needs to be evaluated for application of our day to day practice of surgery as there are very few centers in India who have these machines ,there has been extensive studies in west for its efficacy in different disease condition we will evaluate various publication related to this topic for our day to day practice use. 3.I have studied Cyber knife with Gamma knife, conventional radiation therapy and surgery for efficacy, advantages and condition which are treated.

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DR RAJESH N. SHUKLA, DR SANJAY N SHUKLA Radiosurgery an Emerging Treatment Option in Cancer Treatment and Non Cancer Condition Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.XII Dec 2013

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