Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2016

Radial Nerve Palsy after Supraclavicular Nerve Block– A rare case Report

Dr Deepak Chaudhary, Dr Anit Kajla, Dr Rajeshwar Kalla

Abstract :

 The supraclavicular approach to the achial plexus characteristically is associated with a rapid onset of anesthesiaand a high success rate.The advantages of a supraclavicular technique over other achial plexus block approaches are its rapid onset,complete and predictable anesthesia for entire upper extremity. It is associated with very few complications. Although radial nerve palsy is a rare complication of interscalane block but even after extensive search in literature we could not find Radial nerve palsy as a complication of supraclavicular block. Because of rarity of radial nerve palsy after supraclavicular type achial block a case with radial nerve palsy following achial block is being presented here which was managed conservatively and full recovery was achieved in 3 months.

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Dr Deepak Chaudhary, Dr Anit Kajla, Dr Rajeshwar Kalla Radial Nerve Palsy after Supraclavicular Nerve Block– A rare case Report Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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