Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2016

Quinsy Tonsillectomy for peritonsillar abscess

Dr Sudhir G. Halikar

Abstract :

 Peritonsillitis is a common infection of throat leading to abscess formation if antibiotic therapy is not started on time. Controversy exists regarding the surgical intervention of this abscess. In Europe and US Abscess tonsillectomy is a preferred method however in India, I & D or aspiration followed by interval tonsillectomy appears to be the method of choice. At our center we were following the same method but after coming across cases with deep seated abscess where I&D and aspiration could not give relief we had to contemplate doing Abscess tonsillectomy with immediate relief of symptoms. Presented here is retrospective analysis of 42 cases treated over a period of last 10 yrs.

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Dr Sudhir G. Halikar Quinsy Tonsillectomy for peritonsillar abscess Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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