Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

Quantification of Immunity Status of Dabur Chyawanprash – A Review Part–1 (Experimental Studies)

Dr. J. L. N. Sastry, Dr. Arun Gupta, Dr. N. B. Brindavanam, Dr. Satyajyoti Kanjilal, Mr. Satyendra Kumar, Dr. Manju Setia, Dr. Sasibhushan Vedula, Dr. Ruchi Srivastava

Abstract :

Ayurveda, the oldest Indian system of medicine, recommends the administration of a specified group of formulations known as Rasayana for preventing occurrence of diseases. Ancient scholars like Caraka (500 BC) have mentioned that, the use of Rasayana would impart a long, healthy and a disease free life while promoting intelligence, memory and lustre. Chyawanprash is a well-known Ayurvedic Rasayana formulation. In the present review, the preclinical studies organized by Dabur Research and Development Centre in quantifying the immunity benefits against the claim for three times immunity of Chyawanprash are reviewed. Details of studies to establish the safety and efficacy, the anabolic effect as also the anti-allergic and immunostimulatory activities of NK and Dendritic Cells are elaborated.

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Dr. J. L. N. Sastry, Dr. Arun Gupta, Dr. N.B. Brindavanam, Dr. Satyajyoti Kanjilal, Mr. Satyendra Kumar, Dr. Manju Setia, Dr. Sasibhushan Vedula, Dr. Ruchi Srivastava Quantification of Immunity Status of Dabur Chyawanprash - A Review Part-1(Experimental Studies) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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