Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Quality of Work Life of Bpo Sector Employees: A Study in Coimbatore City

S. Krishnaraj, Dr. A. Ramachandran

Abstract :

Quality of Work Life is the level of happiness or dissatisfaction with ones career. Employers have started concentrating on providing best work environments to their employees to get the best results. A good quality of work life reduces absenteeism, accidents & attrition. Quality of work life is useful to improve production, organizational effectiveness, and morale of employees and economic development of the country. The modern world is entitled to be a global village backed by call centers. It revolutionizes the way, in which we live and work. The world witnesses a lot of drastic change in the course of mankind’s reach to the present era. Quality of Work Life is a real phenomenon and it is associated with the satisfaction level of the employees universally. In this case, the employees in the BPO sector in Coimbatore District, is considered for the study. There are many factors that lead the respondents into life intimidating situations. Some important factors associated with their quality of work life is working condition, work culture, physical and psychological well being, welfare measures, pay and benefits and grievance handling procedures in the organization. Hence, the study is an attempt to find out the quality of work life among employees in the BPO sector in Coimbatore. This study is considered to analyze the areas of problems that hinder the quality of work and quality of life of the BPO employees in Coimbatore. The major objectives of the present study are to evaluate the demographic factors and perception towards quality of work life among employees working in the BPO sector, to identify the level of influence of the attributes significantly contributing towards quality of work life of the employees in the BPO sector and to contribute suggestions to improve the quality of work & life of the employees. The study concludes that the research objectives were analysed taking different dimensions deciding quality of work life from which there is a significant correlation found with few attributes and there is no correlation with some of the attributes perceived by the BPO sector employees working in Coimbatore. The study identifies some of the factors that decide quality of work life and the employees’ perception towards satisfaction in their work. In India, the researches reveal that employees of the BPO sector are put to strain due to their work culture and work nature. It is recommended that immediate attention by the decision makers in the BPO sector needs to ing in more innovation in the workplace to refresh their employees and also help them lead a balanced work and life

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S.KRISHNARAJ,DR. A. RAMACHANDRAN Quality of Work Life of Bpo Sector Employees: A Study in Coimbatore City Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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