Volume : IX, Issue : VIII, August - 2019


Vaibhav C Padashetti, Mahesh P A, Jayaraj B S

Abstract :

AIM–TO STUDY THE QUALITY OF SLEEP IN COPD WITHOUT SUSPECTED OSA BACKGROUND–Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is one of the major leading respiratory problems in India and world. Global prevalence is 4–10%{1}. Prevalance in India is 2 to 22% in men and 1.2 to 19% inn women{2}.Most common cause is consuming tobacco in any form. Sleep related disturbances are common in COPD patients, leading to increased exacerbation, progression of disease and poor quality of life. There is paucity of data in the Indian populations evaluating sleep related disturbances. This study was undertaken to study quality of sleep in COPD METHODS–Study was done in JSS Hospital (2018–19) ,Mysuru in spirometry confirmed COPD patients (n=30),without suspected OSA were studied. Suspected OSA patients were excluded from the study based on berlin questionnaire. Pittsburg sleep quality index(psqi) was completed and severity of COPD was categorized according to GOLD guidelines. Frequency of exacerbations (AE), sleep efficacy, AHI, apnea and hypopnea episodes, arousal–awakening index was calculated RESULTS–Subjects had a mean age–of 57.18 years, BMI of 26.385, AHI(apnea ,hypopnea index)of 24.01, apnea episodes of 74.625,hypopnea episodes of 92.55, sleep efficacy was 81.68%, arousal awakening index was 22.715, PSQI of 7.42, number of COPD with AE 12 out of 30 and ESS was 9.06. CONCLUSIONS–quality of sleep in COPD patients is poor, which leads to deterioration in quality of life and increased frequency of exacerbation.

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QUALITY OF SLEEP IN COPD PATIENTS, Vaibhav C Padashetti, Mahesh P A, Jayaraj B S INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-8 | August-2019

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