Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

Qualities of Library Professionals in ICT Environment

Dr. Sadu Ranganadham

Abstract :

Contemporary liaries are under serious threat due to the increasing pressure of achieving higher level of performance in this Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) environment. Academic liaries are facing many challenges posed by the contemporary environment, most of which are the result of ICT and Digital Revolution. This paper discusses the impact of Digital environment on liary professionals. It discusses the need for acquiring core competencies and new skills to manage the modern day academic liaries. It further discusses different sets of skills required for Liary Professionals to manage the contemporary change ought up by technology accelerated environment. This paper also emphasizes that the acquisition of good qualities for liary professionals has become essential to survive in this ICT environment.

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Dr. Sadu Ranganadham Qualities of Library Professionals in ICT Environment Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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