Volume : VI, Issue : XII, December - 2016


Dr Namitha Viswanath

Abstract :

 Different developmental anomalies like presence of pyramidal lobe are often seen associated with thyroid gland. This variation associated with thyroid gland can lead to a number of complications during thyroidectomy. This study emphasizes on pyramidal lobe of thyroid gland in south Indian cadavers. Materials and Methods: A cadaveric study in Department of Anatomy,Govt Medical College, Kozhikode where 50 thyroid glands (40 males and 10 females) were dissected carefully. Incidence, attachment and gender difference of pyramidal lobe were noted. Results : Pyramidal lobe was noted in 32 % of cases. Tabulated data was analyzed by Chi – Square chart and incidence in males and females were studied. The study showed no significant statistical difference in males and females. Conclusions : This study highlights the developmental anomaly of thyroid gland namely pyramidal lobe and thereby helps to reduce the complications related to thyroid surgery

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DR NAMITHA VISWANATH, PYRAMIDAL LOBE OF THYROID GLAND�SIGNIFICANCE IN THYROID SURGERY, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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