Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2016

Pyogenic granuloma � case series

Sandesh . M, Shwetha . M

Abstract :

 T Background: Pyogenic granuloma is a localized proliferation of granulation tissue or very vascular fious tissue. Majority of localized overgrowths of the gingiva are reactive rather than neoplastic in nature. These lesions can be identified as specific entities on the basis of their histopathological features and can be oadly divided into fious, vascular, and giant cell types. Knowledge about their frequency, presentation and potential for recurrence aids the clinician in correct diagnosis and management. This paper throws light on commonly encountered reactive lesions pyogenic granuloma and presents two case–reports. Methods: Paper presents two female patients presenting with gingival swelling. Female pt age 29yrs had a swelling since 2nd trimester of pregnancy spontaneous in onset and was 2–3mm in diameter initially & has gradually increased in size. Swelling was persistent even after delivering a baby. Another female patient aged 28yrs with the chief complaint of swelling in relation to lower lingual anterior teeth region. Since both the lesion measured 10–15mm in width and size of the swelling the lesions were planned for excision biopsy. Results: Histopathological examination of the 2 pts biopsy revealed stratified squamous epithelium covering the stroma having acute and chronic inflammatory cells densely distributed. Numerous endothelial lined blood vessels with proliferating endothelial cells are evident. Diffuse distribution of extravasated RBC’s are seen, thus based on the clinical and histological features it was diagnosed as Pyogenic granuloma. Conclusion: These data might be used as a guide for forming clinical impressions about oral lesions, detailed clinical history and patient examination with histological examination should be stressed before establishing definitive diagnosis and to rule out other rare lesions.

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Sandesh . M, Shwetha . M, Pyogenic granuloma � case series, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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