Volume : VIII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Pulmonary function tests and effect of bronchodilators in native Highlanders and acclimatized lowlanders

Dr Surbhi Vashisht, Dr Deepak Vashisht, Dr Rajneesh Kumar Joshi

Abstract :

 Background: Differences in dynamic lung function exist between native highlanders and acclimatized lowlanders. Present study was undertaken to compare ventilatory function in both these groups as also to assess and their response to onchodilators. Methods:The study was conducted on fifty healthy native highlanders (NHL) (age 25.96 + 5.67) yrs permanently living at high altitude and fifty acclimatized lowlanders (ALL) (age 28.52 + 5.85) yrs staying at high altitude for more than 12 weeks . Spirometry was performed before and after short acting onchodilators and the results were analyzed. Results: Baseline lung volumes were higher in NHL as compared to ALL indicating an inherited adaptive response to the hypoxic environment. There was no significant difference in baseline flow rates (PEFR, FEF25, FEF50, MMF and FEF75) between the two groups. Most measurements of pulmonary function assessed after onchodilator administration were lower in ALL but the difference was statistically not significant.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr Surbhi Vashisht, Dr Deepak Vashisht, Dr Rajneesh Kumar Joshi, Pulmonary function tests and effect of bronchodilators in native Highlanders and acclimatized lowlanders, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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