Volume : I, Issue : VI, March - 2012

Public Private Partnership (PPP) in West Bengal: A Study

Suvarun Goswami

Abstract :

Public–private partnership (PPP) describes a government service or private business venture which is funded and operated through a partnership of government and one or more private sector companies. These schemes are sometimes referred to as PPP, P3 or P3. A typical PPP example would be a hospital building financed and constructed by a private developer and then leased to the hospital authority. The private developer then acts as landlord, providing housekeeping and other non–medical services while the hospital itself provides medical services. In the present article an Endeavour has been made by the author to view PPP from macro and micro level. The article has been classified into two parts. At the outset the theoretical and conceptual perspective of the PPP has been thoroughly reproduced. In the second part of the article West Bengal has been taken for case study. The different sectors of West Bengal have been thoroughly studied to explore the impact of implementation of PPP Model. The article ends with some valid concluding observations.

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Suvarun Goswami Public Private Partnership (PPP) in West Bengal: A Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI March 2012

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