Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Public Library Legislation in India–A review of Miscellaneous provisions in the preamble

Dr. Parwati K. Shirke

Abstract :

 Public liaries are invaluable social institution that provide free liary services to citizens of a country. So the public liary system should carefully be designed an develop to serve the public in a most efficient way. This may be achieved only by passing and enacting liary legislation in the concerned state or in a country .Every liary legislation start with preamble and present paper is focus on the aims and objectives which is giving in iefly every preamble in that particular Act.

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Dr. Parwati K.Shirke Public Library Legislation in India–A review of Miscellaneous provisions in the preamble Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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