Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

Pterygium � Early Excision with Conjunctival Auto–graft, Improves Vision and Prevents Visual Impairment

Dr. Suhas Shripad Kulkarni, Dr. Sayali B. Kulthe

Abstract :

Pterygium is a fleshy fiovascular sub–epithelial growth of degenerated bulbar conjunctival tissue over the limbus on to the cornea. Pterygium leads to significant visual impairment, which increases with the increase in the grades of pterygia. The objectives of our study were to study, visual impairment due to various grades of pterygia, and improvement in the vision following surgery. 79 patients with primary pterygium were studied during July 2012 and December 2012. Pterygium excision with conjunctival auto–graft was done in all patients. Patients with grade I pterygium had visual impairment up to 15%, grade II 40%, and grade III pterygium–patients had more than 50% visual impairment. While, vision improvement to near normal, after surgery, was 100%, 90.3% and 14.3% in grade I, II, and III respectively.

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Dr. Suhas Shripad Kulkarni, Dr. Sayali B. Kulthe Pterygium � Early Excision with Conjunctival Auto-graft, Improves Vision and Prevents Visual Impairment Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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