Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Psychological Capital and Well–Being Among Teachers–A Study on Gender Differences

Nayanika Singh, Aadi Garg

Abstract :

Psychological Capital is an individual’s positive psychological state of development that is characterised by four eligible constructs: self–efficacy; optimism; hope; and resilience. Well–Being means a sense of individual vitality and to undertake activities which are meaningful, engaging, and which make them feel competent and autonomous. Well–being also relates to both mental and physical health. The present study attempted to assess the effect of gender on Psychological capital and Personal Wellbeing among male and female teachers. The sample consisted of 100 teachers (50 from each gender) randomly selected from colleges of Chandigarh, age ranging, 35–50 years, having at least five years of teaching experience. The tools used for the present study consisted of the Psychological Capital Questionnaire and the Personal Wellbeing index for adults. The T–test was used for the purpose of statistical interpretation to assess the significance of difference between the two means for male and female teachers

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Nayanika Singh,Aadi Garg Psychological Capital and Well-Being Among Teachers-A Study on Gender Differences Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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