Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Psycho–Social Problems and Coping Mechanisms in Caregiver’s Of Dementia Patients

G. S. Sangeeth, Dr. M. Daniel Solomon

Abstract :

 Dementia is the major public health problem which is booming up globally and locally among elderly population. According to Elizabeth Hurlock (1953) old age starts from age 60 which is considered to be closing period 

of life span. The major purpose of this paper is to study on care, support and rehabilitation manifesting in varied states of 
psychosocial being and coping mechanisms among caregivers of elderly dementing population using secondary data. It 
pinpoints those caregivers of dementia must inculcate resilience for promoting emancipation of their own problems and 
assist the care recipient problems in the light of social work mediations. The articles deals with the reviews of psycho–social 
being, coping mechanisms of caregivers of dementia, inferences from the reviews and solution from social work perspective 
for public health problem which is projecting as the global problem

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G.S.Sangeeth, Dr.M.Daniel Solomon Psycho–Social Problems and Coping Mechanisms in Caregiver’s Of Dementia Patients Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 5 May 2014

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