Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2017

Psycho� pharmacological therapy in diabetic foot: evidence supporting early institution.

Prof. Shilpa Rao, Dr. Vikram Raut, Dr. Aditya Kunte, Dr. Alka A. Subramanyam

Abstract :

 Background: Benefits of counseling and psycho– pharmacotherapy on depression and anxiety in patients of diabetic foot were studied.

Methods: Hospital anxiety and depression (HAD) scores and quality of life enjoyment and satisfaction (QoL–ES) scores were calculated in 50 hospitalized patients of diabetic foot at baseline and after 6 weeks of psycho– pharmacotherapy. Time to glycaemic control, dietary and medication compliance were assessed.

Results: At baseline, 24(48%) patients had severe and 20(40%) patients had moderate depression. Mean depression and anxiety scores decreased [14.26±2.38 (95%CI 13.58–14.93) v/s 8.86±2.52 (95%CI 8.14–9.57);p<0.0000001, 12.64±3.37 (95%CI 11.67–13.6) v/s 7.68±2.64 (95%CI 6.92 – 8.43);p<0.0000001] and QoL–ES scores increased significantly over 6 weeks [38.92±5.52 (95% CI37.34–40.49) v/s 47.76±6.75 (95%CI 45.84–49.67);p<0.0000001]. Decrease in depression correlated with increase in QoL (p=0.0417). 94% were compliant to medications and 78% to diet.

Conclusion: Depression and anxiety are common in diabetic foot patients, and their treatment improves quality of life and glycemic control.

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Prof. Shilpa Rao, Dr. Vikram Raut, Dr. Aditya Kunte, Dr. Alka A. Subramanyam, Psycho� pharmacological therapy in diabetic foot: evidence supporting early institution., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾2 | February‾2017

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