Volume : VIII, Issue : III, March - 2018

Psychiatric morbidity in patients with Vitiligo pertaining specifically to association with Anxiety and Depression in these patients.

Dr Amitabh Saha, Dr Tukaram C Ahirawadagi

Abstract :


Introduction:   Vitiligo, a dermatological problem, affects a person’s emotional and psychological well being, having major consequences on patient’s life.It can lead to various psychiatric conditions like depression  anxiety, social phobia on account of the severity and location of the lesions. Most of the patients of Vitiligo report embarrassment, helpless and low self esteem.



Aims: To study Socio–Demographic profile & psychiatric conditions specifically pertaining to presence of Anxiety and depression & their correlation with site of lesion in vitiligo patients.


Methods and Material: 100 vitiligo patients and 100 subjects as control group who were well enough to complete the assessment were assessed with a semi–structured self designed Proforma , Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS) to obtain the relevant information. Data so obtained were tabulated, analyzed & conclusions were drawn using suitable statistics (i.e. chi square).


Results: 79% of vitiligo patients were between age 13 to 45 years, 67% were males, 33% were females patients in study group. In comparison to healthy controls, the psychiatric morbidity was found to be significantly higher in the vitiligo group(62% v/s 25%). 37%, 18%, & 7% vitiligo patients suffered from Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder, Depressive disorder & Generalized anxiety disorder respectively. Incidence of psychiatric morbidity was higher in patients who had lesions more on exposed body areas.


Conclusions: Vitiligo affected the persons marital life , sex life and intimacy in relationships. This generates psychological distress and disrupts the social relationship & creates a vicious stress–vitiligo cycle. Among vitiligo cases, psychiatric morbidity was found more frequent in younger age  participants and higher in patients having lesions on exposed body areas compared to other sites affected.


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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr Amitabh Saha, Dr Tukaram C Ahirawadagi, Psychiatric morbidity in patients with Vitiligo pertaining specifically to association with Anxiety and Depression in these patients., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-3 | March-2018

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