Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Patient with Oligodontia: A Case Report.

Dr. Nayanranjana Murdia, Dr. Puttaraj Tukaram Kattimani, Dr. Jitendra J. Mete

Abstract :

Oligodontia is a developmental dental anomaly. It is either an isolated trait or part of a syndrome. Oligodontia is characterized by the congenital absence of more than six permanent teeth except the third molars. Patients suffering from oligodontia may have severe psychological, esthetic, and functional problems. Thus, early diagnosis and treatment of these patients are necessary. Treatment often calls for facilitated surgical techniques, but less severe cases can be treated conventionally in a normally equipped dental clinic. A case of oligodontia treated with conventional prosthodontic approach is presented in this article. It is emphasized that conventional prosthetic treatment can lead to a satisfactory result. The patient was treated with overdenture prostheses. The patient’s speech and masticatory functionimproved greatly. He was also satisfied with better facial esthetics. Thus, it should be kept in mind that there are good possibilities with conventional Prosthodontic techniques to help patients with dental anomalies.

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Dr. Nayanranjana Murdia, Dr. Puttaraj Tukaram Kattimani, Dr. Jitendra J. Mete Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Patient with Oligodontia: A Case Report Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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